Shipbuilding & Repair Our Flex Fleet Charters & Special Projects Brave and Heroic Saving Lives Crew Boat. Security Boat. Anytime. Anywhere. Our WindFlex series Pure Electric Ferries

I'M LIVIN' THE ELECTRIC DREAM Today, 17 April 2023, marks the unveiling of Singapore's first pure electric seagoing ship and a rapid shore charging system developed by Penguin.

WELCOME TO THE HOME OF THE FLEX! Penguin is a Singaporean homegrown, publicly listed designer, builder, owner and operator of aluminium high-speed craft.

STYLE MEETS SENSIBILITY in the all-new WindFlex-27, Penguin's unique take on Crew Transfer Vessels for offshore wind. Come ride with us!

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Shipyard Services

Shipbuilding & Repair

Shipyard Services Designer and builder of aluminium high-speed craft, with shipyards in Singapore and Batam, Indonesia.

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Crewboat Charters

Our Flex Fleet

Crewboat Charters Owner of Flex multi-role crewboats supporting offshore transportation and maritime security projects.

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Ferry Operations

Charters & Special Projects

Ferry Operations Owner of passenger ferries supporting high-speed personnel transportation projects.